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Suzanne Olsson

Suzanne Olsson
Suzanne Olsson

Sue Olsson is another name known to many in the recent work on the Roza Bol tomb.

Sue has recently co-authored ‘Roza Bal, The Tomb of Jesus’ with Dr. Fida Hassnain. Sue’s research to date is not only the tomb of Jesus in Kashmir, but also tombs of mother Mary, Moses, Noah and other Biblical figures.


Suzanne Olsson has her own website which includes hand drawn maps as well as many images and photographs from the sites related to her old research

Suzanne Olsson in ‘The Rozabal Shrine of Srinagar’

Sue appears in Yashendra’s 2010 film talking about research at the tomb and her hopes for a better future for Rozabal. In the film she states:

“I think it is the responsibility of India and the government of Kashmir to step up to the plate, to take Rozabal, to protect it and restore and to preserve it for all futures generations.”

Paul Davids’ “Jesus in India”

Sue has drawn attention to the issue of changes taking place to the tomb in Kashmir. The photos page on this website helps to show the changes that have taken place at the Tomb.Sue appears in the Paul Davids 2007 film ‘Jesus in India’ in which she boldly states:

“After having lived there and breathed it for so long and absorbed it in every pore of my body for so long and researched it and seen it from that side of the world for so long, I have no doubt. No doubt is in my heart – that is Jesus in that tomb.”

Interview with Jerry Pippin – April 2009

Suzanne was the guest speaker on Jerry Pippin’s radio show on 12th April 2009. Below is an overview of the interivew as well as links to the MP3s both from the Jerry Pippin’s website where they are freely downloadable as per below.

In this Ancient Mysteries program Jerry interviews Suzanne Olsson who has spent years researching the subject of Biblical Characters such as Moses, Aaron and Jesus himself who have graves in Central Asia. In Part One of this two-part program she outlays the reasons she believes the graves are authentic. She is going back to this area in September to get DNA from the graves to prove once and for all who is buried in those tombs.

  1. Part 1 of Interview [download]
  2. Part 2 of Interview [download]

Areas of Research

• Jesus in India

• Bloodlines & Linage

• Jesus as King of Kashmir

• Israelite Buddha

• Space travel in ancient times

In addition to the usual research areas for those looking in to ‘Jesus in India’ Sue also extends in to exploring the Biblical patriarchs and possible burrial sites of them in India as well. People such as Abraham, Moses and Noah. Sue’s writing touch on areas such as UFOs and space travel in ancient times, a theme explored by author Zacharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series.It is hard to know the extent of the desecration to the tomb.

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