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Aziz Kashmiri

Subtitles From ‘Did Jesus Die?’

1st Section

“Kashmiri history books tell us that Yus Asaf came from abroad.  He was a prophet and a messenger.  He came from Israel.  He came to spread his teachings.  He lived and died here.  Yus Asaf was Issa.  He was Jesus. 

“The meaning of Yus Asaf is, The Healer.  Another meaning is The Shepherd…the one who teaches others.  Our history confirms that Issa was known as Yus Assaf, here in Kashmir.”

2nd appearance

“The footprints were carved as a sign.  The scars are clearly visible, sustained as he was nailed to the cross.  They show that this is the same person who came here from Israel.

And that he lived and died here.  You won’t find any footprints like these anywhere else in Kashmir.”

Researcher and Author from Kashmir

Aziz Kashmiri, is a lifelong resident-author-scholar of Srinagar who is intimately and masterfully knowledgable of the history of Kashmir, including the history and traditions of Jesus in Kashmir.

Kashmiri’s book, “Christ in Kashmir” , is regarded as one of the most authoritative on the subject. Tour operaters that offer tours of Kashmir and the tomb feature a visit to Aziz Kashmiri as part of their package.

Areas of Research

Research areas include:

– Jesus in India

– Tomb in Kashmir

– Islamic viewpoint on the Crucifixion and death of Jesus

– Moses Tomb in Kashmir

– Kashmir – the Promised Land?

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