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Dr Fida Hassnain

Dr Hassnain’s Credentials

1946 – MA
1947 – L.L.B.
1953 – Dr. Archaeology
1974 – Dr. Indology
1979 – Master of Divinity
1983 – D. Metaphysics
1987 – Rashtra Sanskriti Samrat
1988 – Doctor of Sufism
1989 – Special Citation, Yoga Convocation
1990 – D. Litt.
1992 – Peace Award
1993 – Paracharya Award
1995 – Vishwaadhyamik Jagat Guru
1996 – Dr. of Self Realisation
1998 – Sufi Murshid
1999 – Gem of Alternative Medicines
2000 – Ph.D (A.M.) Calcutta

Professor Fida Hassnain is now the single most credentialed person who has an intimate interest in and thorough knowledge of the theory concerning a post-crucifixion life of Jesus Christ. He is the former Director of Archives, Archaeology, Research and Musems for Kashmir, and was once listed in Who’s Who in Archaeology. He was totally in charge of ancient Kashmiri documents that contain mention of Jesus Christ in India.

Dr. Hassnain was born in Srinagar, the city that houses the tomb of Jesus, in the year 1924. In 1954 he became the Director of the Kashmir State Archives, of Archaeological Research and Museums, and retired from that position in the year 1983.

Documentary Appearances

The Hidden Story of Jesus – (2007)
Jesus in the Himalayas – (2001)

Biography – Taken from The Fifth Gospel

Dr Fida Hassnain

Professor Fida Hassnain was born in 1924 in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. His parents were school teachers. After the Boer War his father became the first Head Master of Sheikh Bagh Mission School. After that, he spent his entire life in various schools, such as the Hamdania High School, Hanfia High School, and Qadiriya Gousia School. Thus, Professor Hassnain has been surrounded by high intellectual pursuits all of his life.

Professor Hassnain was placed under the charge of the Imam at Tral, Kashmir at the age of three and memorized the entire Qur’an, thus establishing him as an Hafiz. He went to a modern school at the age of six and completed his matriculation at the age of sixteen. As a young student, he was extremely gifted and spent all of his time in the company of books.


He graduated from Punjab University at age twenty. He went to Muslim University in Aligarh and obtained his Masters Degree within two years. He took up the study of law, and received is Ll.B. law degree in the year 1946, thus laying the foundation for the sharp, “detective” mind that can now be reflected in his works.

Due to the partition of India, he could not continue his studies. Returning to his home town, he joined the Bar and worked as a lawyer for a few years. He felt disgusted with this profession because his conscience would not allow him to defend an offender. He took up social work among the poor, started painting and wrote poetry.

He roamed among the meadows of Kashmir and mingled with nature. He also engaged himself in the studies of palmistry, astronomy and esotera. But hard realities of life forced him to seek a job and he became a Lecturer in S.P. College, Srinagar. Later, he rose to the position of Professor of History and Research. He became the Director of Archives, Archaeology Research and Museums in 1954 and continued in that position until retirement in 1983.


In his official capacity, he compiled the State Gazetteers in ten volumes. Besides this, his study tours resulted in the salvaging of several hundred manuscripts in Arabic, Sanskrit and Persian, which were housed in the Archives and Oriental research libraries. As an expert archaeologist, he has conducted several excavations and unearthed vestiges of past civilizations. He appeared as an entry in the prestigious, Who’s Who in Archaeology.

Having been the head of Oriental Research in Kashmir for about two decades, he had made a comparative study of the major religions of the world. In 1969 he was invited by some educational institutions of Japan to speak on Buddhism. Since then he has visited Japan six times for lecture tours. His scholastic achievements have won for him the title of Doctor of Indology.

Professor Hassnain visited Ladakh, Western Tibet, for the first time in 1960. Since then he has been to this land of Tantric Lamaism a number of times. Here he came into contact with Shaman Tantric practices being practiced by a Tibetan hermitess. His anthropological interest induced him to study the past of the Brukpa tribes, in whom he found traces of the Greek remnants of Alexander the Great.

Professor Hassnain has widely travelled in Europe and Asia. He is a member of many national and international organizations pertaining to philosophy, mysticism, history, anthropology and culture. After retirement, he was initiated into the Sufi Way and it is with the permission of his Master that he conducts Sufi meditation sessions as a therapy in psychiatric clinics.

Professor Hassnain has written numerous articles on varied subjects. Some of his published books are: Buddhist Kashmir (1973), British Policy (1974), Ladakh Moonland (1975), Hindu Kashmir (1977), History of Ladakh (1977), Gilgit (1978), Heritage of Kashmir (1980), Kashmir Misgovernment (1980), The Abode of Shiva (1987), Freedom Struggle in Kashmir (1988), The Fifth Gospel (1988); A Search for the Historical Jesus (1993), Roza Bal: The Tomb of Jesus (2008).

Professor Hassnain has lectured extensively and has been a visiting professor to several universities. He has been granted the title of Rastra Sanskriti Samrat, or the Emperor of National Culture in 1987. He is also an expert numismologist, a field he enjoys particularly. Professor Hassnain has appeared as an expert in two current television documentaries about the theory of Jesus in India: Jeff Saltz’s 2001 documentary, Jesus in the Himalayas, and Dr. Robert Beckford’s 2007 documentary, The Hidden Story of Jesus.

Professor Hassnain lives with his family at Dastgir House, Chanapora Colony, Srinagar, Kashmir, India

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