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Levi Dowling

Levi H. Dowling (1844 – 1911)


Editor’s note: The experiences of people like Levi H. Dowling and Edgar Cayce are often placed under the broad category called ‘paranormal,’ which is generally defined as unusual phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation.

Some object to the use of the word paranormal because its dictionary meaning is, that which is aside from what is considered to be “normal.”  Those who object to the use of the word paranormal  state that that which is considered paranormal is actually normal, but simply beyond the ability of the average person to perceive.  This objection might be valid, considering the fact that psychics, who deal in “paranormal” activity, are often used by police departments as effective tools in finding criminals, missing persons, evidence, etc., all of which falls under the realm of normal police activity.  Indeed, that which is considered other than normal might actually be normal phenomenon, as some believe, even though most of us are not able to receive such experiences.

At the TOJ website, we include “paranormal” experiences regarding the Jesus in India theory only as one category of cirumstantial evidence.  Other categories here at TOJ fall under that which is considered “normal,” such as historical documents, architectural evidence, oral tradition, etc.  We leave it to the reader to determine the value, or lack thereof, of any of the evidence presented at the TOJ website.

(The following biography of Levi H. Dowling is taken from the website of the Aquarian Christine Church Universal.)

Biography of Levi H. Dowling.

Levi H. Dowling was born May 18th, 1844 in Belleville, Ohio.  His father was a Disciples of Christ preacher/minister.  As a young boy Levi was aware of and highly sensitized to the finer etheric realm, [and] he felt that there are etheric vibrations underlying all sounds, thoughts and events that are recorded on sensitized etheric plates (something like a Divine Computer disk).  During his childhood he was an avid student of all of the world’s religions.  Also, when just a lad he had a vision in which he was told he was to “build a white city.”  The vision was repeated three more times over the years; the building of the “white city” was his transcribing of “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.”

When Levi was only thirteen years old he debated a Presbyterian elder on the doctrine of everlasting damnation and torment of souls in Hell.  At a very early age Levi understood the Truth that the doctrine of eternal damnation is incompatible with a Just, Loving and Forgiving God of Infinite Mercy.  At an early age Levi was a prophet and seer of God’s Word.  At sixteen, following in his father’s footsteps, Levi was a preacher; at eighteen he was pastor of a small church.

During the Civil War (1861-1865), Levi was a chaplain in the U.S. Army and delivered President Lincoln’s eulogy at his memorial services for the Union forces in Illinois.  After the war, Levi attended Northwestern Christian University at Indianapolis, Indiana and was the graduate of two medical colleges.  He practiced medicine for many years and taught the use of electricity to medical students, demonstrating that he was a pioneer of modern medicine. Levi passed from earth-life August 13, 1911, and is an Ascended Master.  

For forty years Levi studied and meditated upon mysteries in quiet contemplation until he reached such a level of spiritual consciousness he stood before the Very Throne of God.  There the Mother God spoke unto Levi and gave him his commission to transcribe “The Aquarian Gospel.”

The Aquarian Gospel and Jesus in India

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ is quite remarkable in the amount of information it contains about Jesus in India.  There are a full 17 chapters (11,419 words) concerning the life of Jesus in India (Chapters 21 to 37).  You may read the entire Aquarian Gospel online.

There is a fascinating discussion and defense of the Aquarian Gospel that responds to those who have questioned its authenticity.  That discussion is well worth the read.

Excerpts of Jesus’ teachings in India, from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ


Jesus attends a feast in Behar.  Preaches a revolutionary sermon on human equality.
Relates the parable of the broken blades.

1) THE fame of Jesus as a teacher spread through all the land, and people came from near and far to hear his words of truth. 
2) At Behar, on the sacred river of the Brahms, he taught for many days. 
3) And Ach, a wealthy man of Behar, made a feast in honor of his guest, and he invited everyone to come. 
4) And many came; among them thieves, extortioners, and courtesans [prostitutes]. And Jesus sat with them and taught; but they who followed him were much aggrieved because he sat with thieves and courtesans. 
5) And they upbraided him; they said,
Rabboni, master of the wise, this day will be an evil day for you. 
6) The news will spread that you consort with courtesans and thieves, and men will shun you as they shun an asp. 
7) And Jesus answered them and said,
A master never screens himself for sake of reputation or of fame. 
8) These are but worthless baubles of the day; they rise and sink, like empty bottles on a stream; they are illusions and will pass away; 
9) They are the indices to what the thoughtless think; they are the noise that people make; and shallow men judge merit by noise. 
10) God and all master men judge men by what they are and not by what they seem to be; not by their reputation and their fame. 
11) These courtesans and thieves are children of my Father-God; their soul are just as precious in his sight as yours, or of the Brahmic priests. 
12) And they are working out the same life sums that you, who pride yourselves on your respectability and moral worth, are working out. 
13) And some of them have solved much harder sums than you have solved, you men who look at them with scorn. 
14) Yes, they are sinners, and confess their guilt, while you are guilty, but are shrewd enough to have polished coat to cover up your guilt. 
15) Suppose you men who scorn these courtesans, these drunkards and these thieves, who know that you are pure in heart and life, that you are better far than they, stand forth that men may know just who you are. 
16) The sin lies in the wish, in the desire, not [only] in the act. 
17) You covet other people’s wealth; you look at charming forms, and deep within your hearts you lust for them. 
18) Deceit you practice every day, and wish for gold, for honor and for fame, just for your selfish selves. 
19) The man who covets is a thief, and she who lusts is courtesan. You who are none of these speak out.
20) Nobody spoke; the accusers held their peace. 
21) And Jesus said,
The proof this day is all against those who have accused. 
22) The pure in heart do not accuse. The vile in heart who want to cover up their guilt with holy smoke of piety are ever loathing drunkard, thief and courtesan. 
23) This loathing and this scorn is mockery, for if the tinseled coat of reputation could be torn away, the loud professor would be found to revel in his lust, deceit and many forms of secret sin. 
24) The man who spends his time in pulling other people’s weeds can have no time to pull his own, and all the choicest flowers of life will soon be choked and die, and nothing will remain but darnel, thistles, burs. 
25) And Jesus spoke a parable: he said,
Behold, a farmer had great fields of ripened grain, and when he looked he saw that blades of many stalks of wheat were bent and broken down. 
26) And when he sent his reapers forth he said, We will not save the stalks of wheat that have the broken blades. 
27) Go forth and cut and burn the stalks with broken blades. 
28) And after many days he went to measure up his grain, but not a kernel could he find. 
29) And then he called the harvesters and said to them, Where is my grain? 
30) They answered him and said, We did according to your word; we gathered up and burned the stalks with broken blades, and not a stalk was left to carry to the barn. 
31) And Jesus said,
If God saves only those who have no broken blades, who have been perfect in his sight,

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