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Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) – “The Sleeping Prophet”

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce, nicknamed, “The Sleeping Prophet,” was an American psychic reputed for his ability to “channel” information on almost any subject.  He was the most documented psychic of the 20th Century, honing his skills through 40 years of deep meditation and prayers.  Although Cayce’s prime interest was in healing and theology, his 14,306 well-documented, and detailed, psychic readings are the source of his notoriety. The range of topics that his readings covered is immense. Cayce’s methods involved lying down and entering into what appeared to be a trance or sleep state, usually at the request of a subject who was seeking help.

Edgar Cayce was raised in a fundamentalist environment, in a strict Bible tradition.  He became a regular Sunday school teacher after abandoning his studies after eighth grade until he discovered that he could tap into the past and into what is known as the Akashic Records.  Though Cayce possessed no more than a ninth grade education, his psychic receivings reflect an astonishing degree of accurate information on a wide variety of subjects.

You can read more about Cayce at the official website of the organization he founded in 1931, The Association for Research and Enlightenment.

Edgar Cayce on Jesus

Even before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which confirmed the existence of a sect called the Essenes at the time of Jesus, Cayce revealed that Jesus himself was an initiate of the Essene Community and that he had been taught in their midst at Mount Carmel. Cayce brought a wealth on information on Jesus because of his own personal love and admiration for him.

Cayce received that Jesus had sojourned in various countries during his lifetime, including Egypt, India and Persia. After his initial formation in Palestine, ‘there was the sending or the administering of the teachings to the young Master, first in Persia and later in India, and then in Egypt again –where there were the completions.’ (Edgar Cayce’s Story of Jesus, pg 186)

In his readings, Cayce gave even more details: ‘The periods of study in Palestine were only at the time of His sojourn in the temple, or in Jerusalem during those periods when He was quoted by Luke as being among the rabbi or teachers. His studies in Persia, India and Egypt covered much greater periods.’ (Edgar Cayce’s Story of Jesus, pg 191)

Questions and answers (“Q” is the Questioner and “A” is Casey answering):

(Q) Please describe Jesus’ education in India, schools attended.  Did He attend the Essene school in Jagannath taught by Lamaas, and did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka?  
(A): He was there at least three years. Arcahia was the teacher.

(Editor’s note: The city of Puri, located in the east Indian state of Orissa, on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, is often called Jagannath, or Jagannath-Puri (see Hindupedia or or other such sites). Wikipedia says that the name Puri is derived from the full name, Jagannath Puri, suggesting that this was the original name.

Though some say that Jesus studied, “at Jagannath,” and believe that that refers to the Jagannath Temple, which is located in Puri, we must state that the current Jagannath Temple was not built until the 12th Century AD.  Cayce, Notovitch, Levi, etc., were referring to the city, Jagannath-Puri, usually simply referred to as Puri, when stating that Jesus studied “at Jagannath,” meaning that he studied somewhere in the city of Puri, not at the Jagannath Temple itself.  There are others, though, who state that there existed a Jagannath Temple during the time of Jesus that was different than the Jagannath Temple that was built in the 12th Century AD.  This view seems to be incorrect.  The first set of the following questions and answers, conducted during one of Cayce’s trances, seem to clearly suggest the sense of Jagannath as a city, as the question asked is whether or not Jesus attended schools, “in Jagannath”).

(Q) Did He attend the schools in Jagannath
(A) All were a portion of the teachings as combined from the Essene schools, but these were not the true Essene doctrine as practiced by the Jewish and semi-Jewish associations in Carmel.
(Q) Did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka? 
(A) Rather that as indicated, – Arcahia. 
(Q) Why does not the Bible tell of Jesus’ education, or are there manuscripts now on earth that will give these missing details to be found soon? 
(A) There are some that have been forged manuscripts. All of those that existed were destroyed, – that is, the originals – with the activities in Alexandria.

Cayce’s receivings concerning Jesus in India and Jesus at Jagannath are made more significant by the fact that those receivings confirm the information contained in the “Jesus Scrolls” that Nicholas Notovitch claimed he read at the Hemis monastery in Hemis, Ladakh, within the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.  In his book, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, Notovitch reproduces the following text that he found in the Jesus Scrolls of Hemis:

“The fame of this wonderful youth spread throughout Northern Sindh [India]; when he crossed the country of the five rivers and Rajputana, the worshippers of the Jaina God implored him to dwell with them.

“But he left them and went to Jagannath, in the country of Orissa, where lie the mortal remains of Vyasa-Krishna. Here the white priests of Brahma received him joyfully.

“They taught him to read the Vedas, to cure with the aid of prayers, to teach and explain the holy scriptures to the people, to drive away the evil spirit from the body of man, and to restore to him the human form.

“He spent six years in Jagannath, Rajagriha, Benares and other holy cities.  Everyone loved Issa, for he lived in peace with the Vaishyas and Shudras, to whom he taught the holy scripture.”

Not only does the above account from the Jesus Scrolls of Hemis coincide with Cayce’s receivings, but the last paragraph confirms that Jagannath was a city, not a temple, at that time.

Cayce’s receivings also confirm the receivings of the Civil War era mystic, Levi H. Dowling, who also claimed to receive information from the Akashic Records.  In this case, however, Dowling, unlike Notovitch and Casey, refers to Jagannath as a temple, although it is possible that “temple Jagannath” meant, “the temple at (the city of) Jagannath,” or the temple of [the city of] Jagannath:

“And Jesus was accepted as a pupil in the temple Jagannath; and here learned the Vedas and the Manic laws…”

“Four years the Jewish boy abode in temple Jagannath…”

“Lamaas from the temple Jagannath, who knew the inner life of Jesus well, was in their midst, and heard the rantings of the priests…”

“Lamaas, priest of Brahm, who was a friend of Jesus when he was in the temple of Jagannath, had heard of Jesus and his mighty works in many lands; and he had left his home and come to Palestine in search of him…”

Whether city or temple, we think that it would be quite difficult to dismiss the accounts of Dowling, Notovitch, and Cas

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