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Edward T Martin


Edward T. Martin is the author of “King of Travelers, Jesus’ Lost Years in India”. This book has recently been revised following his work with Paul Davids on the film ‘Jesus in India’. He is a native of Lampasas, Texas in the Texas Hill Country. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Afghanistan and the Fiji Islands, teaching England as a Second Language. He has made three journys to India where he conducted extensive research about the ‘lost years’ of Jesus.

In the summer of 2005 he was accompanied by professional film maker Paul Davids on a filming project in India. With production manager Anil Urmil and their indian filming team they travelled over 4,000 miles throughout India for six weeks.

Areas of Research

“King of Travellers” covers:

– Missing Youth

– Survival of the Crucifixion

– Talmud of Jmmanuel and the ‘Billy’ Meier contactee case

– Edgar Cayce

Jesus in India – King of Wisdom

This new book tells the story of the filming of the movie ‘Jesus in India’ contaning details about all the travels and meetings with scholars and researchers.


king of wisdom

In 2005, producer / director Paul Davids and author Edward T. Martin traveled through 4000 miles of India with a film crew to examine the legends, facts, myths and evidence regarding the purported travels of Jesus Christ in India. This is the story of the adventure of making the documentary feature film, JESUS IN INDIA, while visiting locations regarding Jesus and early Christianity in India can be found. Written as an informative book with a distinctly literary style, the book is a must not only for those searching for answers about the “Lost Years” of Jesus Christ but also for cinema students and film fans of all kinds, who will marvel at the way the film came to be and how it was accomplished under very arduous, difficult and often dangerous circumstances. A companion book to KING OF TRAVELERS, this book also stands alone as a description of a truly extraordinary quest, which included interviews with the spiritual leader of the Hindu religion (Shankaracharya Nischalananda) and access to temples and monasteries, both Hindu and Buddhist, usually off-limits to westerners. Written from the point of view of the former fundamentalist Christian author who came to some “unpopular” conclusions about this and was ousted from his Texas church, the author found support from his theories in unexpected places and sometimes from certain prominent scholars and religious leaders. Producer / Director Paul Davids has written both a lengthy Foreword and Afterword which set the context and fill in details about the making of the film, which was broadcast as the 2008 Christmas documentary on the Sundance Channel and is distributed to TV around the world by NBC Universal International Television.

Atlantis Rising Article

The fllming of “Jesus in India” was featured in Atlantis Rising magazine.

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